About the Weekly International

Founded by two former university classmates, with substantive academic and public policy work experience between them, the Weekly International is envisioned to function as a platform to publish critical analysis and assessment pieces that provide comprehensive and meaningful insight into complex geopolitical, economic and international issues.

The Weekly International’s articles will focus on four policy areas - namely, national defence, international affairs, energy security, and global finance.


Is the Weekly International affiliated with any government or organization?

The Weekly International is a non-partisan, independent publishing platform that is not affiliated with any government agency, think tank or non-governmental organization. Should any future associations be established, they will be disclosed here.

What makes the articles on this site worth reading?

Both Jim Lafortune and Khalid Shoukri, the website’s founders, have substantive experience in the public and NGO sectors. In addition to their combined academic and professional qualifications, articles featured on the Weekly International are written to go beyond summarizing events by providing critical analyses and strategic insights to readers. Moreover, the publication’s status as a non-partisan, non-affiliated and independent website allows its authors a great deal of creative freedom.

Who are the website’s contributors?

Khalid Shoukri is an experienced national security and defence policy analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the fields of national defence and counterterrorism. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Honours Degree in Political Science, with a concentration in International Relations, from Carleton University and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science, with a specialization in International Security and National Defence, also from Carleton University.

Jim Lafortune holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Honours degree in Political Science from Carleton University and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Affairs, with a specialization in International Organizations and Global Public Policy, from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA). His past work experience is primarily centered on the NGO sector, specifically in the field of international development.

Do you allow outside contributors to submit their articles for publication?

At this moment in time, the Weekly International does not accept contributions from other authors.

What is the best way to get in touch with you?

Readers wishing to get in touch with the Weekly International can email us at weeklyintl@gmail.com, or through our LinkedIn or Facebook Pages.

Where is the Weekly International Based?